
Home > Wallpapers


These are some of the desktop wallpapers that I've done inspired by movies, TV shows or games. Visit to see all my wallpapers.

Some of my designs have become very popular. I've gotten messages where people ask if they can use some of my designs at pop culture conventions. I've seen my designs spread all over the internet, some people even sell these online as printed pictures and tapestries.

You can download any wallpaper you want, if you first view it in full size. (click it to view its full size)

This page covers work from 2013 to 2017

Deathstar.png RogueOne.png 
The_Creed.png new_AC.png 
TimeX.png Time2.png 
Marvel.png Mass_Effect.png 
White_Walkers.png Jon_Snow.png 
GOT_Graffiti_logo.png ForceAwakens_logo.png 
Bioshock_logo.png It.png 
Godzilla_wallpaper.png Pacific_Rim.png 
Life_Is_Strange_logo.png Before_The_Storm_logo.png 
LIS_cutout_chloe_clean_logo.png LIS_cutout_chloe_logo.png 
LIS_cutout_max_logo.png NoMansSky5.png 
NoMansSky_logo.png NoMansSky3_logo.png 
NoMansSky2_logo.png NoMansSky4.png 
WD2.png WalkingDead_logo.png