//Welcome traveler!
I see you have the courage to enter my domain, my world. It has indeed been many moons since a new player arrived.
Are you ready for your adventure?//
(set: $disobey to 0)
Prepare yourself for danger and adventure.//
[[Start the journey]]//A shame indeed.
The adventure is about to embark whether you are ready for it or not.//
(set: $disobey to $disobey + 1)
[[Start the journey]]You wake up in a dark room only lit up by a streak of moonlight through a barred window.
You're lying in the middle of the floor with your backpack next to you.
You don't remember how you ended up in this dark, dreary place.
[[Stand up and get your bearings]]
[[Stay laying down]]
(set: $lockpick to "false")
(set: $rock to "false")You stand up, grab your backpack and look around.
The room is very small with a wooden door to your left. The door has a big lock on it. Does it need a key to unlock, perhaps?
[[Check the door]]
[[Check what's inside your backpack]]//What is this? You can't just keep lying on the floor.
Get up!//
(set: $disobey to $disobey + 1)
[[Stand up and get your bearings]]You grab the door handle, the door appears locked.
No matter how much you try, you cannot pry it open.
(if: $lockpick is "true")[[Use your lockpick to unlock the door]] (if: $lockpick is "false")[[Check what's inside your backpack]]You lay your backpack on the ground, open it up and peek inside.
It has been emptied except for a small rock. Could come in handy.
Inside a hidden compartment you also find a lockpick.
[[Check the door]]
(set: $lockpick to "true")
(set: $rock to "true")You cautiously and slowly open the door and peek outside. You see a hallway lit by torch light with 5 doors on either side. On the far end of the hallway is a narrow staircase going up.
Are there more prisoners here?
You hear something down the hallway. Someone is here.
[[Hesitantly enter the hallway]]
[[You close the door and stay inside your cell]]//What?
Why would you stay in the room?
You can open the door now.//
(set: $disobey to $disobey + 1)
[[Slowly open the door]]You open your backpack and grab the lockpick.
With care and precision you insert the lockpick into the door's lock and just barely manage to open up the lock.
[[Slowly open the door]]
[[Do nothing and stay in the room]]As you enter the hallway you hear a voice from behind one of the doors. A fellow prisoner?
Someone calls out "Hello?"
[[Try to sneak by]]You hastily close the door and listen intently for any more noise.
You hear nothing but silence. It seems safe... for now.
[[Hesitantly enter the hallway]]You whisper "Hello? Who is there?"
Behind one of the doors you hear a man respond "I'm Caleb. Can you help me out?"
[[Ask what this place is]]"Where are we?" you ask.
Caleb replies "How do you not know? We are in the city prison of course! How did you get out of your cell?"
[["I have a lockpick"]]
Again the voice calls out:
"Hey! I'm Caleb. Can you help me out?"
You stop and whisper "Hello?"
[[Ask what this place is]]You ignore his pleas and let him rot inside his cell.
You continue down the hallway without Caleb.
(set: $disobey to $disobey + 2)
Did you just say no?//
[[I said no]]//Uh...
[[Help Caleb]]You open your backpack again and take out the lockpick.
"Be sure the Warden doesn't hear you" Caleb says.
You manage to open his prison door without alerting the Warden or anyone else.
You see Caleb. He looks to be about the same age as you, with black unkempt hair. He looks as if he has been inside this cell for far too long.
[["Let's get out of here"]]You and Caleb sneak up the narrow, winding staircase.
"What are you in here for anyway?" you ask Caleb.
"Oh... nothing much. I may have been caught stealing food...
I don't own much, but I only took what I needed to survive. What are you here for?"
"... I don't remember" you say.
[[You keep walking]]You look into your backpack again and see the rock.
You have an idea.
[[Sneak up behind the Warden and bash his head in]]
[[Use the rock as a distraction]]You take the rock and quietly sneak behind the Warden as he's eating.
With one swift movement you bash his head in with the rock.
(set: $disobey to $disobey + 2)
[[No! I'm not killing anyone!]]//Sigh...
you are so boring.//
[[Use the rock as a distraction]]You loudly throw the rock towards a wall near a corner of the room.
The Warden hears the impact of the rock, stops eating and stands up.
He is heavily armored with a sword by his side. He unsheathes it and walks towards the corner to investigate the sound.
This is your chance!
[[Rush towards the exit]]You and Caleb take a leap and rush towards the gate.
You see the night sky and the glow of the moonlight outside.
Caleb runs by your side. Suddenly his right foot hits debris on the ground, he loses his balance and trips. The Warden hears the commotion and turns around, sword in hand.
"Close the gate!" he shouts.
You are near the gate, close to freedom.
[[Leave Caleb behind to die]]
[[Help Caleb up]]You are too close to the gate to give up now.
You leave Caleb behind, his fate is sealed.
(set: $disobey to $disobey + 2)
[[No! I'm not leaving him behind!]]//Sigh...//
[[Help Caleb up]](if: $disobey >= 6)[//Sigh... nevermind.
You're not following my ideas!//
[[I'll just end the game right now.]]]
(if: $disobey < 6)[The gate closes too fast. You don't have time to escape.
The Warden catches up to you, grabs you both and hits you on the head with the pommel of his sword. You pass out.
You've lost.
(set: $disobey to 0)
[[He takes you back to your cell.->Start the journey]]]By some stroke of luck you both manage to reach the outside just as the gate closes.
The Warden is behind the gate, glaring at you both as he sees you keep running.
"Open the damn gate again!" he shouts.
He's too slow. You're far ahead now, running into a nearby forest out of sight of the prison.
[[You're free.]]//Are you happy now?//You turn back and hastily pick up Caleb from the floor.
The Warden runs towards you both but his armor makes his movement slow. He struggles to give chase.
You and Caleb both run as fast as you can towards the gate as it starts to close.
[[Keep running]]"With magic" you say.
"Right..." Caleb replies. "Can you help me out? I'm going to die if I stay here."
[[Leave Caleb to die]]
[[Help Caleb]]"I have a lockpick" you say.
"Great!" Caleb replies. "Can you help me out? I'm going to die if I stay here."
[[Leave Caleb to die]]
[[Help Caleb]]The staircase leads to a large room filled with chains, boxes, barrels and other equipment. At a table in the corner sits the Warden eating a meal.
At the far end of the room is a gate that leads out to freedom.
You and Caleb hide behind two barrels without anyone noticing.
[["What now?"]]